Rise Up 3-Day Mindset Transformation MIni-Series

Rise Up = The 3R - Reset. Realign. Reconcile. Process - Your Formula for Freedom

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This course will provide clear, concise, and attainable objectives. Through self-directed modules you will be mentored through a process that will lead to substantial breakthrough of old patterns of behavior that no longer serve you. However, it will require your commitment and work through actionable steps. The process of overcoming and making peace with your past, requires the peeling of layers, much like that of an onion. It also sometimes challenges you to take a deep dive; but I promise you tangible mindset transformation will occur.


  1. You will learn to identify the origin of the faulting beliefs that stifle your potential; and to deconstruct them in a way that is simplistic, yet life-long effective, when done correctly.
  2. You will learn informed proven strategies that will lead to neuro-pathway repogramming to promote reconnection between your thoughts, feelings and actions.
  3. You will gain the wisdom that will propel you from bitter to better and beyond.
  4. You will dive deep and resurface anew.
  5. You will learn that past mistakes, losses, and failures were intended to refine and equip you for who you are becoming.
  6. You will learn to ignite your resilience by tackling and controlling your emotional responses. Instead of reacting to life's adversities.
  7. Trust me, by clearing your past mindblocks you will be able to gain new perspective.
  8. You will then be guided to reclaim your power position in all areas of your life.

Now renewed you will be equipped with the foundamental consciousness to intentially develop a success mindset that will make you unstoppable.

Your Instructor

Dr. Jessica Vera
Dr. Jessica Vera

About Dr. Jessica Vera:

Dr. J., a Professional Neuro-Behavioral Mentor, Entrepreneur, Best-Selling Author®, and Forensic Expert has built a real-life platform from her personal journey through trauma to freedom to flourish; and founded three multi-million dollar corporations, in the process. In her early twenties, she was named Latin Female Entrepreneur of the Year and became known in business as the Millionaire-Made Entrepreneur®. Her philosophy of ‘collaborative leveraging for the betterment of the world, leads one of her heart-passions to empower and to promote other emerging and re-emerging socially conscious entrepreneurs through pragmatic strategic collaboration and capitalization. Dr. J. selected as one of America’s PremierExperts™, has been featured on NBC, ABC, and CBS television affiliates speaking on Neurocognitive and Neurolinguistic Reprogramming from Trauma to Success, Resilience (turning life’s adversities [setbacks] into one’s greatest setups for leveling up), Igniting One’s Core Powerhouse, Integrated Energy Neuro-Scientific Ancient Healing Practices and Vocational Diversification & Asset Building by leveraging the Power of the Internet.

She earned a Doctoral degree, holds associated advanced degrees and specialization certifications in areas of expertise. Over the last three decades she has dedicated her life’s work to personally empowering and equipping thousands to reach their maximum potential and to live their desired life. As CEO of Jessica Vera PhD, LLC Global Enterprises and Co-Founder of Elite Foundation a not-for-profit, she collaboratively creates, develops, and distributes cutting edge informed training, assessment, and tools for self and business strategic optimization. Now transitioned from brick and mortar to eComm; her services and digital learning courses can be accessed from the comfort of your own computer and through her destination live experiential global events – One Day to Freedom™.

Dr. J. utilizes personal and professional experience, informed evidence-based knowledge, and secularized ancient healing practices, to heal, equip, and empower others integrating the mind, body and soul - to Change Your Mind. Change Your Life™. Dr. J., a socially conscious entrepreneur, has served on numerous prestigious boards and spoken on international and domestic platforms. She is a trauma-graduate, life-learner, heart-led professional who takes full advantage of every opportunity gifted to her to increase awareness and prevention of human exploitation, and believes that one of the keys is education. Dr. J. is a passionate activist who takes her social responsibility to be a voice for victims of social injustice seriously. Dr. J. has been happily married for the last 20 years and has had the privilege of raising two beautiful daughters. Dr. J.’s 21st century legacy goal is to inspire, empower, and equip 1,000,000 souls to reach their pinnacle potential for the good of all humanity, through socially responsible intentional life and business practices by the year 2040.

You can connect with Dr. J. at:



Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

Get started now!